Kamis, 28 April 2011

Oricon reveals Weekly Comic Chart for May 2nd

It’s that time of the week again! We’ve got the results for the Oricon Weekly Comic Chart for May 2nd.
Check it out below!
1. “NARUTO”, the 55th volume – Kishimoto Masashi : (650,587)
2. “BLEACH”, the 49th volume – Tite Kubo : (425,882)
3. “GANTZ”, the 31st volume – Oku Hiroya : (204,938)
4. “GIANT KILLING”, the 19th volume – Tsujitomo/Tsunamoto Masaya : (133,264)
5. “FAIRY TAIL”, the 26th volume – Mashima Hiro : (132,359)
(Check the rest of the ranking here.)

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