Kamis, 28 April 2011

Support Japan With Designing T-Shirts

Support Japan With Designing T-Shirts

Recently vlogger Hiroko from Hirokochannel uploaded a video in which she announced a t-shirt design contest, the profit made from these t-shirts will go to buy necessary things for the Tohoku disaster victims and to make new t-shirts to be sold on her website. To find out the details regarding this contest continue to read on...
The deadline in which the t-shirt designs needs to be in are on May 7th, 2011, and the mail to send the design to is: hirokochannel.contest@gmail.com, the file needs to be in Jpeg format or in IL data.
A total of three winners will be picked from these designs, the winning designs will all be announced in one of her videos.
All the profit will go to buy things that is needed in Tohoku and to make new t-shirts to be sold. The design doesn't have to be related to the disaster either.
Check out her post about the t-shirt design contest here

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